Friday, August 26, 2011

Please turn in your Drivers license and get a bus pass....

Sorry I have not posted in a very long time but it seems it takes something special these days to motivate me to Blog about my daily travels.

This morning's commute began much like any day, the first Freeway I travel on had light traffic, but we were moving along at about 70mph. I was in the number one lane ("fast lane") and I noticed a 90's model Dark Blue Dodge Ram full size truck coming up behind me at a fast pace, if I had to guess about 85-90mph. There was a car to my right so he had to slow down and not pass me or give me time to move over. He then proceeded to get very close to me, I could no longer see his headlights in my rear view mirror close. I gave the light tap on the brakes to inform him I was not impressed. I considered giving a hard brake check, but was not interested in dealing with him rear-ending my truck. What happened next I did not expect. He pulls into the shoulder and passes me.

Wow, now I have done some dangerous things behind the wheel in my life, mostly when I was a teenager, but I was not expecting that level of idiocy from another driver. Our side mirrors almost touched there was so little room. What I would of given for a well placed police officer at that moment. I may think speed limits are set too low, but I would never advocate that kind of driving.

So, ok, whatever let the moron continue on and ruin someone else s day, he was now 200 yards ahead of me and speeding towards what is always a backup at the intersection to the next freeway. I ended up getting past him due to traffic flow at the intersection, and about 6 miles later I see him coming again in my rear view mirror. At this point the freeway normally gets down to a slow and go pace with max speeds of 35 and sometimes stops. I have found that the fastest lane is actually the number 4 lane. What I have noticed is most people who get on the freeway in this area rush to get into the number 1 and 2 lanes, and the number 3 lane is dominated by Semi-Trucks who don't want to deal with entering and exiting traffic.

Now this is where things get really weird from my point of view. I notice him take a picture of my car, or at least that is what it looked like when I glanced back in my mirror. I am not sure if he is planning on reporting me to the authorities, but good luck with that. He then gets into the number 3 lane and pulls next to me and rolls his window down. Ok, he wants to tell me something, what I cannot imagine since he was the driver breaking all the laws this morning. I open up with a big smile and say "good morning!" hoping to throw him off base. I was partially in shock to see this man was in his mid to late 40's, perhaps early 50's. Someone who should know better right? He replies to my greeting and I promptly follow up with "you know passing in the shoulder is illegal" Still smiling. He replies "You know slamming on your brakes at 65 is illegal", as I am sure anyone reading this knows, using ones brakes is never illegal, in the case of one car stopping suddenly and another running into the back of it, the person who hits the car in front of them is always at fault, why? Because their following distance was unsafe. I quickly replied "no, tailgating is illegal" I then laugh and roll up my window and traffic conditions separate us from talking further.

I was shocked as his lack of intelligence to say the least.

I stayed on course in the number 4 lane and watched him get caught in the slower moving traffic as he tried to change lanes over and over to find the fastest lane. After a few miles he was no where to be seen.

Somehow this middle aged man was able to justify speeding, dangerous illegal passing and tailgating. Dear sir, you are obviously lacking in mental capacity, please hand over your Drivers License and keys and get a bus pass, we do not need you making our roads more dangerous than they already are.

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